Tech News

Pagging :
The visit of the Minister of Telecommunications and Communications of the company's products

The visit of the Minister of Telecommunications and Communications of the company's products

e Minister of Telecommunications and Communications visited the company

The visit of the vice president of the National Foundation of Computer Games

The visit of the vice president of the National Foundation of Computer Games

the vice president of the National Foundation of Computer Games and the vice president of culture visited the e-galaxy company

Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the company

Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the company

its the 15th anniversary of the company

Fars Province Superior Technology Knowledge Base Company

Fars Province Superior Technology Knowledge Base Company

Fars Province Superior Technology Knowledge Base Company

Participation in the seventh exhibition of medical and laboratory equipment made in Iran

Participation in the seventh exhibition of medical and laboratory equipment made in Iran

The company participated the seventh exhibition of medical and laboratory equipment made in Iran

The visit of the Ministry of Health

The visit of the Ministry of Health

The Ministery of health visited the company